* AUTHOR: Sassen, Saskia
* TITLE: Losing Control? Sovereignty in an Age of Globalization
* PUBLISHED: New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. ISBN 0-231-10608-4

0. Introduction

1. The State and the New Geography of Power
- Territoriality in a Global Economy
- New Legal Regimes
- Americanization
- The Virtualization of Economic Activity
- The State Reconfigured

2. On Economic Citizenship
- The Global Capital Market
- The Global Capital Market and the State
- A New Zone of Legitimacy?

3. Immigration Tests the New Order
- The Border and the Individual as Regulatory Sites
- Beyond Sovereignty: Constraints on States' Policy Making
- Beyond the Individual: Economic Internationalization and Geopolitical Links
- Implications for Immigration Policy
- Human Rights and State Sovereignty
- Immigration, Human Rights, and State Sovereignty

* 사센의 저서 중 국역본은 [경제의 세계화와 도시의 위기](푸른길, 1998)이 있음.
** 이 책을 번역해서 출판해보면 어떨까 하는 작은 희망이 있음. 히히~~**