<세계사회포럼, 아랍 사회운동의 참가자들의 성명 >

* 세계사회포럼 홈페이지에서 퍼온 글입니다. 아랍 사회운동의 현황을 조
사해볼 필요가 있겠다는 생각이 듭니다.

다섯 가지 문제를 언급했습니다.

1) 제1회 아랍사회포럼을 개최할 것이다.
2) 이라크 인민에 대한 전쟁을 멈추기 위해 지역적 국제적 연합을 강화할
3) 팔레스타인 인민에 대한 이스라엘의 점증하는 억압을 우려한다.
4) 아랍국가에서 인권, 민주주의, 발전의 악화에 대해 우려한다(특히 젠
더 평등, 약소자의 권리).
5) 세계화의 부정적이며 파괴적인 측면에 대항하는 세계사회운동을 적극
지원할 것이다.

* * *

Statement of the Arab Social Movements participating in the World
Social Forum

Porto Alegre, 23-28 january 2003

The World Social Forum taking place in Porto Alegre-Brazil gathered
representatives of social movements from all over the world and from
the different youth, union, women, and peasant sectors. The Forum
constituted an important occasion for Arab civil society to meet and
discuss different issues relating to the common future of civil
movements in Arab countries. The Forum gave the chance for Arab
representatives to meet with international delegations and to
discuss with them different regional and international issues,
mainly the question of war against the Iraqi people and the
unfolding of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The Forum equally constituted an important occasion to reinforce
networking, coordination, and consultation between different social
movements and international organisations. After thorough dialogue
and interaction with the participating groups, we, the
representatives of Arab civil movements would like to emphasise the
following points: First: We are utterly pleased with the important
impact of the Moroccan Social Forum in further strengthening social
movements in Morocco and in helping them to participate in the
common struggle beside regional and world social movements. We were
also glad that the Palestinian Social Forum, which constitutes an
important instant in the history of the Arab and Palestinian
struggle, was able to reinforce and reconfirm Arab and international
support for the Palestinian people in its ongoing struggle against
occupation and Israeli repressive actions. In that context, we also
support the initiation of Social Forums in other Arab countries due
to the importance of these forums in conceptualising and formulating
important strategies on economic and social development levels. The
participants discussed the importance of establishing and organising
an Arab Social Forum in the shortest delay, which is considered an
important step towards the reinforcement of common Arab struggle.
This goes in parallel with empowering and strengthening ties with
the world social movements that resist exploitation, injustice,
hegemony, and colonialism. The participants agreed on the importance
of expanding the consultation about this important idea that will
prepare the launching of the first Arab Social Forum.

Second: We call for the formation of the widest regional and
international coalition to stop the war against the Iraqi people.
This potential war poses catastrophic results entailing destruction
and serious political, economic, and social implications affecting
the future of security, democracy, and social development in the
Arab countries. We are also concerned that the Israeli government
will take advantage of these circumstances to widen its war against
the Palestinian people and to take repressive measures like mass
deportation and transfer of the Palestinian populations. We would
like to take this opportunity to call on all friends, allies,
international and regional networks to secure direct international
protection of the Palestinian people and to send different
delegations to the occupied territories immediately.

Third: We are greatly concerned about the danger of the growing
Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and Israeli
policies of siege, displacement, endangerment, and house demolition
in the occupied Palestinian territories. We would also like to
confirm our support of the Palestinian people and of its brave
Intifada and its constant struggle to establish its independent
state on its national soil and to secure the return of displaced
Palestinians according to international laws and conventions.

Fourth: We would like to express our worries about the deterioration
of human rights, democracy, and development in the Arab countries.
The UNDP Human Development Report refer to serious decrease of the
levels of respect of public liberties in the Arab countries,
especially concerning gender equality and the respect of minority
rights. Therefore, we would like to reaffirm our commitment to the
continuation of our struggle to secure justice, democracy, equality,
freedom and the respect of human rights, and the equitable
sustainable human development which we consider important conditions
to initiate real and civilised change in the Arab countries.

Fifth: We declare our support to all other social movements in their
constant struggle to challenge the negative and damaging sides of
globalisation, especially globalisation as defended by transnational
corporations entailing marginalisation, colonialism, and utter
hegemony. We therefore declare our unconditional support of the
globalisation of common international human struggles that are based
on forgiveness, diversity, democracy, and the right to choose.

Another world is indeed possible.
Arab social movements participating in the World Social Forum
Porto Alegre, 28 January 2003